Earning while she sleeps
How Aidi can provide a nurturing place for her children
Aida joined the Hope for a Child Hunger Project in 2015. We have been working with her to help her save money, access small loans and run small businesses.
Since joining the project, Aida has managed to create 2 successful streams of passive income — sources of cash flow that involve very little of her own time to run, providing income while she sleeps!
The first is property—Aida built 2 houses, one of which she is renting out to businesses for storage. Roofing them both with iron sheets is no mean feat in her community. The second is a small transport business—Aida managed to buy a second bicycle, which she employs someone to operate as a kabaza (bicycle taxi).
Aida now has no problem putting food on the table and paying school fees. She is able to provide a nurturing place for her children to grow up in.